Sunday, April 12, 2009

First holiday and more pics

Today was Holden's first holiday! Easter was Macy's first holiday too... the only difference is that there was no pretty Easter dress this time. I did put one of his new outfits on and take pics though. We decided to play it safe and stay at home today since he's still so little. However, at his 1 week appointment he was already up to 6lbs. 5oz. and 20 in. so he's working on it!

Macy found all the Easter eggs!

Here are just some other random pics....

We got Macy some new princess panties and she apparently couldn't wait to put them on (she has two pairs on):

Some pics of the proud big sis:

Sponge bath time!

I keep trying to capture one of those big smiles he throws out while in a deep sleep and this is the best I got:

A sleeping angel:

Shanon went back to work on Wednesday, so that was my first day with both kiddos by myself. The day went surprisingly well! I'm not counting on that continuing though. Macy has started acting out somewhat, so I think that was just the calm before the storm! She is still going to daycare a couple days a week so that she has some of her old routine. It's ironic that just a few weeks ago she had starting saying, "I go to Busy Beez a lot!" Talk about mommy guilt. I assured her that things would be changing soon. By the time I go back to work, she'll probably be complaining about being home so much!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Announcing our new addition...

Holden Dale
Born 3/31/09 at 1:11pm
6lbs. 2 oz., 19 1/2 in.

Well obviously things happened not too long after my last post! I woke up early Tuesday morning and realized I was having regular contractions. After an hour of timing them, I decided to wake up Shanon. We got to the hospital around 7am and the doctor checked me during his morning rounds. I was dilated to a 5, so he went ahead and broke my water at about 9am. After that, I progressed fairly quickly and was ready to push by 12:45. After less than 15 minutes of pushing little Holden was born. The doctor put him on my stomach and I was checking out how light his hair color was when I felt something warm (yes, my lovely epidural didn't work so well) and the doctor said Holden had just peed on me. I figure he was just breaking me in early!

He is just a perfect little man... he's so hairy I call him my little monkey. He has little stork bites/angel kisses on his upper lip, nose, and between his eyebrows just like Macy did. It really threw me that he has blonde hair though, you can hardly see his eyelashes. We came home from the hospital on Thursday and Macy is quite the proud big sister! She loves him to pieces (literally!) and can't get enough. The next few weeks should be interesting!

More pics...

The doctor actually took this one after he was born:

Macy meets Holden for the first time... do you think she's excited??

You can see his blonde hair here:

He may be little, but he has big feet:

We do know that his digestive system is working very well. He peed and pooped through 4 outfits AND receiving blankets our first night home. I only have a few newborn size sleepers so we had to put some 0-3 mos. on him which look just ridiculous. I picked him up last night and he had managed to get his entire arm out of his sleeper. He's got some growing to do!