Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First cuss word

We knew this was coming sooner or later as it does with pretty much all kids. Actually, I was pretty surprised it wasn't way sooner and way worse knowing Macy. I was vacuuming in the living room Sunday evening and, as she likes to do, Macy got out her little Dirt Devil to vacuum along with me. I guess it wasn't cooperating in going exactly where she wanted it to go and she was getting frustrated, so she busted out a "sh#$@!" Not once, but twice... just to make sure we heard it I guess since the vacuum was loud. Now I have to admit... even though that is one of those key moments where your kids are watching you to see how you react, it was really hard not to bust out laughing because she used it in the right context and everything! Then she lied when we asked her where she had heard that word... she said from her preschool teacher - right! So we had a talk and she got to spend some time on her bed thinking about it. Not sure how much good it did, she is a hard headed kid!


the Queen :) said...

How funny! Griffin said "oh crap" at the table last night when I spilled my glass of water. No one laughed but no one said anything. Unfortunately, I know where he learned that one- straight from me! It sounds much worse from a 2 1/2 year old.

Did you ever discover where she learned it?

Jennifer said...

She never told us where she heard it, but I think I figured it out!