Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Big 3-0

So I'm a little behind, but last week I hit the 30 week mark, wow! On one hand it feels like I've been pregnant forever, but on the other I'm not ready for it to be over soon. Everything has been going just great so far. I've been having some swelling, but I knew that would be coming. Still wearing the wedding ring so far! I told Shanon that this baby is probably going to have a major conehead because it just feels like it is already wedged into position. My next appointment is Feb. 23rd and they will do an ultrasound, so I am very excited to see baby B again and see how big it is now. Only a couple more months!


Kelly R said...

Looking good mama!!

Aubrey said...

You are so cute prego!!!

Jenny said...

Hi there from an ole track alum! What a beautiful little girl you have and congrats on your pregnancy! Hope you're feeling good. Winter pregnancies are the best! Your Macy and my Gabe are just about the same age...he'll be 3 on March 3rd!

aczumbahlen said...

Well, you sure look cute. Hope you hang in there w/out any problems! I can't believe it's so close!