Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Name Trouble

According to the poll, most of you think we're having a baby boy. I find that interesting considering we're having a lot of trouble coming up with a boy name. This is starting to frazzle me a bit since last time we had the names picked out before we even started trying to get pregnant. Now here I sit, 32 weeks pregnant, and no names.

Don't worry, even if we did have the names picked out we still wouldn't be telling them. Someone gave me the advice to not tell the names we had picked back when I was pregnant with Macy. The main reason for the secrecy is to avoid negative comments if someone doesn't like the name. The hope is that if we tell them after the baby is born, when it is rather permanent, they will bite their tongues. Aside from that, it's just fun to have a secret and be able to announce the baby's gender and name after it's born. What a unique idea! ; )

We do divulge the middle names though since they are family names and therefore have special meaning (i.e. we don't care if you don't like them!). The boy middle name is easy, Dale. Both Shanon and I have that name running through our families.... his grandfather, his nephew's middle name, and Shanon's middle name. It's also my grandfather's name, an aunt's middle name, and a cousin's middle name. For the girl, I just can't convince Shanon to go with my mom's middle name, Pearl (sorry mom!) or either of my great grandmothers, Daisy and Flossie! So that leaves us with my middle name, Ann.

Anyway, as I was saying.... we're having a harder time this go 'round. We do have a 'backup' girl's name, but that's it. I need help people! Seriously, I'm starting to drive everyone around me nuts asking for suggestions. We don't want anything traditional (I'm scarred from always having at least 2 or 3 other Jennifers in my class), but nothing too out there either. Bring on the ideas!!!


Aubrey said...

Funny, I never knew anyone with the same name as me!!!

And how on earth do you keep secrets like that?? I was telling everyone!!

Chrystal M. Smith said...

Boy: Franklin Dale
Landon Dale
Yeah, better you than me. Naming is so hard.

Kelly R said...

I envy you for keeping all these secrets too! I could never do that with the name or gender. You know, I am like Aubrey, you don't hear of Kelly's anymore and come on, your best bud growing up!!! Kelly Ann B! Sounds good, don't you think? ;)

aczumbahlen said...

I wanted to name Hadley, Delaney Pearl. I too, loved Pearl. The Pearl part was fine w/ Jeff but I never could convince him on the Delaney part. I still love it though and you are more than welcome to it. She would've been Anden if she was a boy. I love Aidan, Jeff does not, so it was our compromise. I also liked Creighton, Grayson, and Mitchell. Since you know I would be suicidal if I got preggers AGAIN, you can have any of my old choices. Boy names are hard! I also love Garrett and Luke but it is pretty obvious why we didn't go w/ those! When you add Zumbahlen to the end, it seemed a little familiar! Good luck! I also love Daisy by the way!!