Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Doctor Appointments

I am officially 35 weeks today, holy smokes! I feel like I still have so much to get done and time is getting away from me. I had a doctor appointment today, which was fairly uneventful. He did check me and confirmed that the baby is very low (uh huh!!) and started to say that nothing was happening yet, but then changed his mind and said I'm dilated to about a 1. I had thought that maybe something was going on because I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions with some fairly painful cramping off and on. I had lots of BH contractions with Macy, but they were never painful. My pants are getting super uncomfortable because the baby is so low... I wish I could just wear my yoga pants 24/7. I also feel like a fat lady trying to squeeze into too small of tops, like my big belly is hanging out of the bottom. I now have more empathy for men with beer bellies... it's a lot of work to lug this thing around! Also, between frequent trips to the restroom, the ridiculous amount of effort it takes to roll over in bed and try to get comfortable, and Macy getting up a lot lately at night, the sleep thing has been eluding me.

Despite all of this complaining, I'm still not ready for this ride to be over! Even though this is my second time going through this, I still can't get over how amazing it is that there is a little life growing inside me and that it will soon transform us from a family of 3 to a family of 4. I'm going to miss feeling all these kicks and elbow drags and hiccups. However, I am so excited to see if this little one will look like Macy did and if it will have stork bites like her... not to mention finding out whether it's a boy or a girl! We are officially in the homestretch!

Last week I took Macy to her 3 year checkup. She is 33lbs. and 38 1/2 inches... 75th percentile, wow! She has always been around 5oth percentile or less in the past so she is definitely a growing girl! I had noticed lately that it really seems like she is shooting up and she has always been a pretty good eater. Her pediatrician commented more than once about her being talkative, which made me happy because she was a little slow in this area at first. She is definitely making up for it! The ped. warned me that about a month after the baby is born is when Macy will probably start acting out and that since I plan to breastfeed, she will choose that time to do it. Great! Well, at least I know what's coming. For any of you moms out there that have been through this and have advice, I'm all ears!

1 comment:

DeAnn said...

You really are in the homestretch...how exciting?

As for the nursing thing...it's true. For me that was the most challenging thing...that I had an onery 2 yr. old getting into everything and testing his limits all while trying to get a baby to latch on correctly, etc. etc. I don't know that I have any tips for you though.

Good luck with everything!