Monday, May 18, 2009

Say what?

So the first few weeks home with Holden was what I'll call the 'honeymoon period' as far as Macy's behavior goes. Starting around week 4, her behavior went down the tubes and has yet to recover. Luckily the pediatrician had warned me of this, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. We use bribery as much as possible! Also during these challenging weeks, Macy has said things that I knew I would hear at some point, I just didn't think it would be so soon. It started with the oh so common, "It's not fair!". Then, on Mother's Day no less, she folded her arms and said, "You're not the boss of me mommy!" Then a few days ago it was "Fine, you're not my best friend anymore!" I can't help but blame daycare, how else would a three year old come up with this stuff?! Either way it cracks me up. We're just praying that her behavior will start getting better soon... Holden is definitely the easier of the two and he probably cries less than she does these days! Oh and no one told me that three's are worse than the terrible two's... the pediatrician told me that and I had no idea. She assured me that the four's should be better.... please Lord, make it be true. :)


Chrystal M. Smith said...

Three's ARE worse than Two's, and Four's are better than Three's. You'll make it through, I'm sure of. You just have a little drama queen on your hands.

aczumbahlen said...

My Mom calls them the trying 3's. She means "trying" your patience, I mean "trying" not to kill them so they make it to 4! I have high hopes for 4!!!

Anonymous said...

We are in the "best friend" stage too. Hannah likes to use the "you're not my best friend anymore" comment toward Lindsey and Mommy when she isn't getting her way. She knows which buttons to push that's for sure.

hevrond said...

Ok, don't know what happen but Anonymous is me.