Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bubby and Sissy

Just wanted to share some sweet pics of the dynamic duo. Macy has really started taking her role as a big sister seriously lately. On Saturday, she was making trips back and forth from Holden's room to the living room bringing toys to him which was very cute. She also always makes sure to notify me when he's crying (as if I hadn't already noticed) and she loves to cuddle up next to him in bed.

Can you tell they're related??


Mrs. G.I. Joe said...

Your new pictures are just adorable! And so is your whole blog, Jen. So I'm giving you the "One Lovely Blog" award! Stop by my blog to retrieve it!

Chrystal M. Smith said...

My goodness! They are so cute together. I can definitely tell they belong in the same house.

Amber M said...

Those pictures are so precious!!! The first one with their hands is the best!!!!