Thursday, September 24, 2009


I know, I know... this is WAY late, but nevertheless my little angel started preschool last month and I still have the need to share, late or not. Unlike most of the other blogs I had read posting about the teary-eyed transition as their little one went off to school for the first time, Macy's first day of preschool was pretty much like any other day, plus a new backpack. She goes to preschool at daycare, so the 'big change' consisted of moving to a new room. She was disappointed when I told her she didn't get to ride a bus. Of course I'm okay with the lack of change because it makes it easier on me... maybe I'll save the tears for kindergarten!

I did get some pictures, but as you can see Macy was in her typical foul morning mood (I just don't know where she gets that from!) and wouldn't give up a smile to save her life. You'd think she was headed to a torture chamber... how sad are those faces! As you can see there's no fancy schmancy new school outfit for her... that thing would get trashed in a second at daycare! So hello hand-me-downs and garage sale finds! Dave Ramsey would approve anyway.

An important detail I didn't know about before preschool started.... it's in the afternoon. No nap + 3 year old = craziness Macy is a girl that really needs her naps (I don't know where she gets that from either!), so this has been a rather difficult transition. I think it was on day three... we get home and I unbuckle her and get her out of the car. She starts in with the whining and does the limp noodle thing and so I let her throw her little fit on the ground while I go around and get Holden and my other stuff and go inside. After I put everything down and let the dog out, I open the garage door and yell for Macy because I don't see her.... she doesn't answer so I walk out into the garage and see her still laying on the floor of the garage where I had left her to have her fit. I am not happy that she is laying on that dirty floor so I yell at her to get up off that disgusting floor and come inside. No response.

So I march over to her and this is what I find...

Yes, I found her asleep on the garage floor and yes I immediately felt guilty for yelling at her. Then I did what any mom would do, I got the camera. After snapping a few, I then carried her inside and put her in bed. She slept all night, thru supper, only waking to get a drink and use the restroom. We even had to wake her the next morning. That poor girl was tired! We haven't had any more nights like that, but we shoot for a bedtime of 7:30 now. This really makes the evenings fly by.

Macy really enjoys preschool though and feels like such a big girl. It is so cute hearing her recite the pledge of allegiance as well as some of the songs they sing at school. Who knew Miss Mary Mack would still be all the rage with the preschool set. Our little girl is growing up!

1 comment:

Amanda Glos said...

Those pics of her sleeping on the garage floor are priceless!