Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Half Birthday

Holden is six months old now and getting cuter by the minute.

The latest:

  • He's a rolly polly little guy, making the trek from one side of the living room to the other.
  • He's still wobbly on the whole sitting thing.
  • He is babbling and squealing more than ever.
  • He's a belly sleeper. I put him to bed on his back, but almost always find him on his tummy in the morning. He's mobile enough now that I don't worry about it too much... plus he's sleeping thru the night more often now, so maybe that's the reason!
  • He is so funny when he gets excited, he gives a bunch of laughs/squeals while flapping his arms and rubbing his feet together... similar to what his big sis used to do. He is rarely sitting still, always moving and squirming around.
  • He still loves to giggle and his favorite source of entertainment is Macy. His eyes light up when she's 'performing' for him. You don't even have to tickle him, just do something silly and he will belly laugh if he's in the right mood... SO cute.
  • He's enthralled with Lexi (our Yorkie) these days and loves to watch her.
  • He is eating baby food now and so far is a huge fan of carrots and squash and insists on 'helping' mommy with the feeding. Often times I have to literally pry the spoon out of his hands so that he doesn't gag himself.

Some recent cute pics:

His six month check up was on Monday and he weighed 15lbs. 4oz. which puts him down to the 11th percentile. I was concerned that he hadn't been putting on as much weight as he was previously (at his 2 month check up he was over the 40th%) because he still isn't a big eater during the day at daycare. They told me to come back in a month for a weight check. Other than that, he's doing just great!

Here are a couple of other random photos. I had to throw in a rare pic of me and the kids... I need to do better with getting in the pictures.

Daddy and Macy had some fun with play-doh one day.

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