Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More Christmas stuff

I've gotten behind, so this is my attempt to catch up...

Macy and Holden had their first Christmas program at daycare a couple weeks ago. As much as I like to think that Macy has star quality, this event only confirmed that she won't be the next American Idol anytime soon. I don't know if it was all the people or what, but Macy had a meltdown and was crying off to the side. Luckily her teacher was able to calm her down, but Macy pretty much stayed off to the side and didn't really do any singing to speak of. That's okay, I just felt bad for her. She did have fun though!

Macy showing off her antlers they made from her handprints.

Holden showing off his antlers... made from his tiny footprints.

Santa made a stop after the Christmas program, but Macy wanted nothing to do with him. As you can see, Holden wasn't so sure either!

We also went to the Breakfast with Santa event. I warned Macy in advance that this would probably be the last time that she got to see santa this year so she knew this was her last opportunity to let the big guy know what she wanted for Christmas. She didn't actually sit on his lap, but she did stand by him and even told him she wanted a baby doll for Christmas. Holden was really smiley so we were able to get a good picture - yay!

This was actually a spontaneous picture... we went to my dad and step-mom's after breakfast with santa and so I had my camera on me. How awesome is that... I was dreading trying to get a good pic for our Christmas cards this year!

My little present.

Then my other present decided that looked like fun, so she needed to do it too.

Then daddy decided we couldn't leave Lexi out.

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