Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mr. Holden

Other than the occasional cough and runny nose, up to this point Holden has been a very healthy little baby. He started running a fever Saturday afternoon and it was up and down all thru Tuesday morning. He wasn't acting too awfully fussy, but the poor guy just felt like he was burning up. Unfortunately, he does not take after his sister with how well she takes medicine (I now appreciate that she is/was like that!). We were alternating Motrin/Tylenol to try and keep the fever down and keep him comfortable, but this little guy just does not like medicine. He would see it coming and would literally pucker up his lips and spit it out. Or if I did get it in his mouth, he would gag and throw some of it up. Then you have the question of how much medicine he actually got and whether or not you should give him a little more. Anyway, I took him to the doctor on Monday and it turns out that he has an ear infection and probably an upper respiratory infection. So now we have antibiotics to get down him twice a day.... what a challenge that is! The only way I have found that works is to give it to him when I'm feeding him, so I sneak a little in between bites. He still gags, but most of it is going down!

Interestingly enough, I was giving Holden some Tylenol after leaving the doctor's office on Monday and I saw that he finally has a tooth coming in on the bottom, yay! The letter to santa asking for teeth must've done the trick! Then later that same day he also finally started getting up on his knees, he hadn't even been doing that yet. Now he is already on the verge of taking off. Now I'm rethinking my desire for him to finally start crawling! He also weighed 17lbs. 10oz. at his doctor appointment... my little man is growing!

I can't believe it's Christmas Eve! I am so excited to celebrate our first Christmas as a family of four. Having kids at Christmas brings back all the magic of the holidays that I remember as a kid. Our celebrations start tonight and last thru Saturday... the house will probably look like a tornado went thru by Saturday night!

Merry Christmas to everyone!!

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