Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good news and bad news

First the good news... Holden finally started crawling on Saturday!! Shanon and I both got to be there when he did it for the first time which was really exciting. Proud papa had to call the grandparents and tell them the news. I had just made the comment that I wondered if the kid would be crawling by his first birthday, so I guess he showed me.

Now, the bad news. He had started getting a cold over the weekend and it got progressively worse: a bad cough, fever, and throwing up. So I took him to the doctor today and he has a double ear infection... the poor guy! So now he's back on the antibiotic we had such a fun time getting down him just a month ago. I fear that he's heading down the same path of dreaded ear infections that Macy is/was on. It's definitely not the worst thing a kid can have, but I hate being so helpless... having sick kiddos is awful!

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