Friday, March 27, 2009

Bored at home

Here I sit in my recliner at home, surfing the net on my laptop and watching tv.... all day. Normally I wouldn't complain about such a concept, but it's harder than I thought to just do nothing! Let me back up...

As previously mentioned, my blood pressure was elevated at my appointment on Monday, so they had me go back yesterday to check it again. Unfortunately, it was up again - darn blood pressure!! So they did some bloodwork and a non-stress test on the baby, both of which came back just fine. There was no protein in my urine and when they took my bp again later, it came down. However, given my history of pre-eclampsia with Macy, the nurse practitioner wants to be cautious and told me to stay home from work today and Monday until I can see my doctor Monday afternoon and he can decide what the heck to do with me.

So, as I said, here I sit. It's harder than I thought to not give in to the urge to get tons of stuff done since I'm just sitting here and this baby will be here soon. I still have to pack a bag for the hospital! However, I also don't want this little one to come any earlier than necessary... so if I must be a lazy bum, so be it! On the bright side, I'm catching up on all the daytime tv I've missed since my last maternity leave.... since when did Maury turn into the new Jerry Springer?! Wow, these nutty people make octomom look normal!!

I digress... anyway, this can turn into a pretty serious condition, so let's hope all this relaxing does me good and all goes well on Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you, Shanon, Macy and Baby Barthelemy. Hope Darby can tell me tomorroe that you are back at work and ready to go with baby 2.

By the way, my money is on Baby Boy Barthelemy.

Kyle D.