Friday, June 5, 2009

Two months old

My little man is already two months old! He is getting to be quite the chunk I must say. His well baby appointment was on Tuesday and he is up to 11 1/2 lbs. now! He went from the 18th percentile at one month to the 45th! He is also 23 inches, which is the 53rd percentile. Of course he also got his first set of shots - 3 sticks... that just never gets easier on parents does it!

He is such a sweet little guy... he's smiling a lot more these days and we 'talk' back and forth with cooing sounds, which I love. Lately he's really been focusing on his left hand and getting it into his mouth and trying to suck his thumb. Given that we already have one intense thumbsucker, I am trying to keep from having another but he struggles with figuring out how to suck on the paci. I've tried four different kinds. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears!

Here are some pics from the last week:

He's definitely filling out!

I think he's workin' the bald look pretty well don't you? He just needs a hoop earring and you can call him Mr. Clean!

This outfit is from Kelly Richardson (thanks Kelly!) and he looks so cute in that hat!

This smile even comes with spit bubbles!


Mrs. G.I. Joe said...

Yay for new pictures! I love them! He is so cute and getting to be huge!

I wish I could help you on the thumb sucking thing. Lucy doesn't care a whole lot for hers. She's quite attached to her paci, but mostly just at night or naptime. Have you tried Soothie pacifiers? They have a more natural nipple so that could help him to stay away from the thumb a little more often.

Good Luck with it! I sucked my thumb until I was like 8. But it wasn't the end of the world. I never even had to have braces or anything.

Kelly R said...

The outfit looks cute!! He is definitely as big as Mallory!! Wow!! Had fun today catching up with you!!!