Thursday, November 19, 2009

Joining the rest of the universe

Alright already, I caved. I was really thinking about trying to be the very last person on the planet to join Facebook... then I found out that even my mom has a page and is in fact giving me updates about MY friends via Facebook. I love ya mom, but something is wrong with that picture. So.... between that and constant prodding from pretty much anyone with a pulse, I got a wild hair and decided to finally join Facebook. Crazy, I know.

So now someone needs to teach me what the heck to do. The word on the street is that 'the wall' is where it's at... whatever that means. Now somebody be my friend please!


Kelly R said...

I became your friend but I am warning you it is the biggest time sucker ever!!! Was going to call you today since I figured Bart was hunting but we started peeling wallpaper off at mom's at 9:30 this morning and was still going at supper time!!

Jennifer said...

That's why I had put it off as long as I could! That's a bummer, would have loved to have seen you!