Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Failed!

Last Monday I had my 28 week appointment, which is when you get to have that fun glucose test to make sure you don't have gestational diabetes. That sugary drink actually wasn't too bad and I got to pick from three flavors, how exciting! (yes, I'm being sarcastic) I stuck with the standard orange flavor. Afterwards, I saw a physician assistant and she did the usual feeling the abdomen/checking the heartbeat stuff (the HR was still up around 150-160). The baby's head is still down, which I already knew because it already feels like it is really low.

So anyway, I hadn't heard anything from the office, so I figured I must have passed the glucose test.... wrong! I got a letter in the mail Thursday telling me that I failed it and to call and schedule the 3 hour glucose test. So I'm going in for that on Tuesday and yes it really takes 3 hours and I can't leave the office. They will take my blood 4 times.... how is a weenie like me going to handle getting stuck 4 times?! I still have the bruise from the first test. Not to mention worrying about the outcome..... I have little to no self-control when it comes to monitoring what goes in my mouth. So here's to passing on Tuesday!


Kelly R said...

That stinks! Sorry I won't be at Kohls this time. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

If I could take that test when I was pregnant with Hannah, then you can handle it. I am the biggest wuss when it comes to needles, but I survived. I have faith in you!

Amanda M said...

I had to do that test too. Just take lots of magazines. I did end up having a 9 lb 8 oz baby though when all was said and done! Good luck.