Thursday, January 29, 2009

'now Day

The college was closed Wednesday due to the large amount of snow that was dumped on us. I was oh so disappointed as you can imagine. So I decided to take advantage and put Macy in her winter gear and play in the 'now, as Macy calls it. It was rather funny seeing her in all those layers and I feared I would get to live out that old Cosby Show episode where Cliff gets Rudy in all her layers of clothing and just as they're ready to go outside, she announces she has to pee. Luckily, that didn't happen until after we had been outside for awhile and she said she had to poop. I stripped her outside layers off and sent her inside while I took mine off. A few seconds later she opened the door and said she didn't have to poop... hmm. Anyway, she had a good time playing in the snow. My main duty was to pick her back up every time she fell down (which was often). It was kinda funny to watch her try and get up on her own, but I didn't torture her too long before helping.

Is that Macy or an eskimo marshmallow man?!

I've fallen and I can't get up! Where's a medic alert bracelet when you need one?!

While I'm mentioning some old school tv shows, Macy has a new phrase she likes to throw out there occasionally. We'll be at the table eating supper and talking and she'll cock her head and chime in, "Whachu talkin' bout Willis?!" It's really funny how she says it and I have to admit that this one actually came from mommy, not daddy. Seriously, can anyone tell me what show that is from? I'm thinking it's Diff'rent Strokes?

As far as my 3 hour glucose test... well, I've been trying to take it all week! I had rescheduled it for Wednesday due to the weather and then that got rescheduled for Friday. I'm just ready to have it over with already!

1 comment:

Amber M said...

I do think it is Different Strokes or something like that. I actually don't remember watching it, I think it was right before my time. We were just talking about that at work the other day.