Monday, January 12, 2009

Potty Time

Ever since Macy decided to start going on the potty, she has done awesome and has had very few accidents. The only time she wears a pullup is at nighttime (the discovery that she could make it through naptime was simply by forgetting to put one on her when we were first potty training her). Around Christmas time, the pullup had really been bothering her and she would dig at it like crazy and want it off. I have since decided that this is possibly due to her needing a bigger size... so I guess that could be a strategy for encouraging them to try underwear!

So she announced that she wanted to wear panties to bed a couple weeks ago. I explained that she would have to go pee on the potty at night and that if she peed in the bed it would be on her and we'd have to clean it up. She decided she could handle it, so I thought we'd give it a whirl... daddy was skeptical. Early the next morning, I heard her yelling coming out of her room. Assuming she had wet the bed and was scared, I jumped up and ran to her (best I can these days anyway). To my surprise, she was totally dry and apparently was just afraid she wasn't going to get to the potty in time! We are so proud of her, she has been dry every night since then with only one exception, yay!! I'm pretty sure her bladder is twice the size of mine these days!

Also, one night we got out the dollhouse that grandma Connie and grandpa Jerry got for Macy and she was playing with it in the living room. Macy had the little girl doll 'go potty' and wash her hands in the little sink. Then she announced that she was going to go potty, so she shucked her pants and undies and stuck that little pretend toilet up to her butt!! Shanon and I were yelling 'No!' in between our laughter for fear that she was actually going to pee! She just cracks me up these days!

1 comment:

Chrystal M. Smith said...

Yay! Macy! Oh, that's such a relief. Now, you'll only have to buy diapers for one.