Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rock the Vote!

As previously promised, I have added a gender poll to the blog (see top right side of the page). Now that I'm getting bigger, the guessing has started so I'm interested to see what everyone thinks and in a few months we'll see who was right! I have been asked many times if I've done 'the ring test' and the answer is no. I don't really know how it works and I'm pretty sure there's no scientific evidence to back it up. Ironically, I'm not totally sure that the heartrate wive's tale is wrong. The baby's heartrate was 169 at 20 weeks if that assists with your guessing.

Okay, you've got the info and the belly pic, now vote!


Anonymous said...

All of those tests were wrong on me. A guy at work even did the ring test the day before we found out and it said we were having a boy. Unless something fell off that day, we have a girl!! Don't believe all the hype!

Mrs. G.I. Joe said...

I really think boy!

A lot of the old wives tales were also wrong for me too. Everything kept coming up BOY or one of each but we ended up with just one girl!

Not sure why but I've been thinking boy for you from the start! I can't wait to find out. You have so much more patience than me to wait!

Amanda said...

I had a dream you were pregnant, and it was a girl. I was right about the first part so we'll see about the second! :) You look so hot even when you're knocked up.

My word verication is baconar. HA! Bacon.